19th December, a 1/300 Xmas

One thing about being home so much this year is it’s given many of us a chance to get much more painting done than we normally would, as seen here from God’s Own Scale: “My ACW armies so far. These are for Antietam using Altar of Freedom. About 1,750 figures done, just under 900 toContinue reading “19th December, a 1/300 Xmas”

10th December, a 1/300 Xmas

Time to zoom in a bit and look at a 6mm diorama from someone you may be used to hearing as much as seeing over at God’s Own Scale: “Well is its not Masser Robert rising through the Virginia countryside!“ The God’s Own Scale blog and Podcast is a good 6mm listen, and you canContinue reading “10th December, a 1/300 Xmas”