Cold War Commander 2 Review

‘Modern’ wargaming is a funny little niche.  It covers a 70-year timespan which saw monumental change throughout, but when it comes to the Cold War is almost entirely speculative.  We’re historical wargamers, gaming a war that never happened. Modern games have been one of the periods that seems to have never really ‘taken off’ too. Continue reading “Cold War Commander 2 Review”

25th December, a 1/300 Xmas

The big day! I wanted to use the last day of the advent calendar to showcase all of the fantastic work that’s been shared by so many people here. It’s been great fun (and often very envious work) sharing all the photos I’ve been sent, and I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as IContinue reading “25th December, a 1/300 Xmas”

24th December, a 1/300 Xmas

Well here we are, Christmas eve! I thought it was appropriate to close the calendar up with the thing that gave me the idea to run all of this in the first place – playing the ‘Gembloux Gap’ campaign in 6mm. I ran the first game of this a few nights ago – there’ll beContinue reading “24th December, a 1/300 Xmas”

22nd December, a 1/300 Xmas

There’s a rumbling down the road in today’s post… “Panzer marsch! Some minis I’ve worked on through December in the buildup to some upcoming holiday wargaming. The panzers aren’t really suitable for the early war campaign I want to run, but I couldn’t help myself in trying out some camouflage schemes.”

21st December, a 1/300 Xmas

Today we return to our scheduled program with some battlefield scenes from Storm of Steel: “During the first UK lockdown in April, I played a solo game of Blucher. This was a refight of the battle of Waterloo, one of the most famous battles in history. I used my 6mm Baccus figures for the gameContinue reading “21st December, a 1/300 Xmas”

20th December, a 1/300 Xmas

Today’s post is from me, and it’s something rather different I’ve used Bullet Journals for about 2 years now and the modularity of them makes them tremendously useful for all kinds of things. When lockdown started this year I decided to keep a ‘tracker’ in my journal, and we’re near enough the end of theContinue reading “20th December, a 1/300 Xmas”

19th December, a 1/300 Xmas

One thing about being home so much this year is it’s given many of us a chance to get much more painting done than we normally would, as seen here from God’s Own Scale: “My ACW armies so far. These are for Antietam using Altar of Freedom. About 1,750 figures done, just under 900 toContinue reading “19th December, a 1/300 Xmas”

12th December, a 1/300 Xmas

Today we travel away from the savannah and over to feudal Japan, courtesy of Gareth Beamish: “2020 has been mostly about adding to ongoing projects for me, but I did make my first scratchbuilt structure in the scale. It’s something I’ve avoided doing, partly because there are so many excellent buildings on the market, butContinue reading “12th December, a 1/300 Xmas”

11th December, a 1/300 Xmas

From three men on horses yesterday, Richard Naylor brings us a whole lot of men in not-horses! “These are from my recently resurrected South African Border War Project, something I started a few years ago but re-found inspiration for earlier in the year during lockdown 1“ Richard can be found over on Twitter